Thursday, April 14, 2005

I'm back

After quite sometime, found the drive to just hit the keyboard and blog away. Not many things happened on the personal front. Moved to a new house in Hyderabad. Had good food for almost a month and half because of mom being in Hyderadad. Visited a lot of friends during the Good Friday long weekend at Chennai. Trying to grow a full beard. On the work front, its just bugs, bugs and more bugs. Found some extra time to try my hand at Dev-C++ and SDL and trying to write a good game of pong in C. Future plans include converting it into a multiplayer one and porting to other paltforms!!
In the quest to make my mind think something other than bugs, have started browsing /. and stumbled on the forbes top billionaires list. Hmmm..not sure what all these guys would do with more money than they know what to do with!... That apart, India seems to be doing fairly on the list..Laksmi Mittal is #3. Gotta rush...bye for now!


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